Friday, January 30, 2009

Back In The USA

Dear Diary,

We arrived back in the US and settled in to a house in Tupelo, MS. It was an older house and not like Brazil at all. I missed Brazil so much. That was my home. I started American school and we began attending the church there. It was a massive church full of rich snobby American kids. I got along with one of the kids at the church but that was about it. At school I met who would become my best friends state side. We did everything together from go carts to sneaking up on his neighbors and egging their house. I had a crush on this girl who I would draw pictures of and send it to her.... she was one of the snobby kids but I asked her to go to the movies(Did I mention that i was in the 4th grade.) Moving along, I started to enjoy my school more and more but I began getting in to trouble quite a bit and was locked in the closet at school almost every day for doing something. I enjoyed my time in the closet because I found an old T.V. which was one of those small portable ones and I plugged it in and caught the Price Is Right and if I was lucky Days of Our Lives. In the summer I was at my mamaw and papaws alot riding four wheelers and fishing alot. My best friend and I would jump over things on the four wheeler to see if we could pop tires when we landed. I made friends with my grandparents neighbors kids. The girl and I became really good friends and her older brother terrorized us with bb guns and such. I would visit some of my cousins on my Grandma's side but I tried not to go around a certain one. I was always on edge when I was there and usually would wake up crying and asking my Uncle to take me home. It wasn't them... I was just terrified because they all lived close together and I imagined "the abuser" somehow getting me. My cousins thought I was a whimp because I would do that but I didn't tell them why, I just said I wanted to go home. I felt bad when I would stay at my Grandma's because I would get anxiouty and sneak and call my mamaw and papaw and have them come pick me up. Nothing happened that year thankfully and before I knew it the year had passed and I was telling my oldest sister,my best friend, and family goodby but I was more than ready to get home to Brazil.

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